Tuesday 30 December 2014

Christmas time is family time for me!

Just the word Christmas starts a lot of thoughts and feelings within most people. It often presses the “Stress Button” within since it is “supposed” to be the fun and healing time, but it more often tends to be the most stressful time of the year. It can be traditions to be faithful to, being alone without family, other people’s expectations and so much more. What is Christmas time for you? Today it is family time for me, but before it was just a lot of stress. I was in a rat race that I hated. But I found a solution. Here is my story:

When I was a kid I remember the hectic race going from one relative to the other on Christmas Eve. Some of them got annoyed because they thought we didn’t make the right priority in which order to visit them. We were supposed to exchange gifts and taste each other’s sweets. I never understood the fun in this – it was just a must because of other people’s expectations – and I was so relieved in the evening when we had our own Christmas evening – just for the closest family including grandparents.

When I got my own kids I decided I didn’t want to have them go through the same hassle. The first four years we did though because we lived far away and had to stick to the “family rules” when we went to visit. It was like travelling with a Circus having two small kids and all the things needed for them – thick winter clothes, diapers, strollers, toys etc. On top of all both were allergic to gluten and one also to milk protein so we had this big bag of special food and also a car-“refrigerator”. When we came back home after two weeks of that mess I was exhausted. But I had no more days off so I had to go back to work. It was a very hectic time.  

Then a solution showed up. 1993 I gave birth to one more girl and while pregnant with her we bought our summer house. During that summer, pregnant and having two small children already I realized that the next Christmas trip to the relatives would be a disaster. I just could not see myself doing the same thing with 3 kids, among them one relatively newborn. Our summer house is “winter proof” and can accommodate a whole bunch of people. 

So I came up with, what I thought, a genius idea:
ALL our relatives were told the same thing: We invite you all for Christmas, this Christmas and every Christmas ahead as long as we own the summer house. Everyone is welcome, just tell ahead. We also told them this is the only invitation you will ever get for this. We will not keep asking every year – but you are always welcome for Christmas.

Well, all relatives didn’t like it as much.  This meant that THEY had to get out of their comfort zone and take action.

We have done this ever since. The first couple of years we were 10-15 people (everyone had to bring along some food to the meals we shared) and then it decreased. The latest years we have mostly been just our family and maybe my sister and her son. The grandparents are all gone.

Still today our kids makes sure early in the fall that we will be in the summer house for Christmas. That is the place where we all find the peace and where we all enjoy the silent, slow life that gives good family time together. And of course, this is the only place Santa Claus knows of. 

So this year’s Christmas will be our 22nd in the summer house. None of our girls live at home anymore but they have ordered Christmas in the summer house this year too. For real family time.
This is my story how we created Christmas peace. 

What is your story or your best tip for Christmas peace? Please tell below. I love reading your comments!
To your success – and keep smiling!

About Author:

I am a medical doctor, specialized in family medicine and health promotion and strategies. I have been a medical doctor in the Public Health System in Sweden for 25 years. The last couple of years I have changed focus from disease to health and have specialized in health promotion, work assessment, systematic health environment and other business related issues to be able to get the whole picture for my clients.

For more information: http://www.askdrannika.com

Thursday 18 December 2014

Decrease Your Stress with My De-Stress Diary

Out of pure joy I want to pop in with an extra blog post today! I have just finished my second book and it is up on Amazon Today. It comes in Paperback and as Kindle book.

 When my friends and promoters at Digiwriting.com earlier this fall asked if I could write another book I was hesitating. I had so much to do and it seemed impossible to squeeze one more project in. I do have to walk my talk and not get into the Rat Race myself. Then it occurred to me that I have a lot of material just sitting there not being used and maybe that could be procedured in some way. We did some inventory and voilĂ  – here is a new book: My DE-STRESS DIARY – 52 effective tips for less stress and more peace of mind.

My De-Stress Diary provides week-by-week tips for readers to introduce into their lives, teaching that even in life’s busiest moments, managing stress and finding happiness is possible.

The book meets readers where they are in their lives regardless of their stress level or cause, and encourages them to find an inner meaning with each tip.  In going “back to the basics,” the book intermingles the challenging with the fun, and over the course of a year readers will be dared to communicate openly and honestly, remember to smile, and find time for hugs and more.  This feel-good and thought-provoking guide ultimately teaches that the ropes to harness happiness are just within an arm’s reach.  

It is a great complement to my first book: Take stress from chaos to calm – pulling the pieces together.

My De-Stress Diary is the companion for the overworked, overtired, and for those that put their own needs on the back burner.  It’s time you made yourself a priority.  Where will you be in a year?

Do you have a habit of reflecting on your situation? What is your method? Please tell in a comment below. I love to read your comments. 

And if you want to take a look at, and maybe even buy, my new book just click here!
I also want to announce that I will have a live launch party in Lund in January 2015 – date to be announced later.

To your success – and keep smiling!

About Author:

I am a medical doctor, specialized in family medicine and health promotion and strategies. I have been a medical doctor in the Public Health System in Sweden for 25 years. The last couple of years I have changed focus from disease to health and have specialized in health promotion, work assessment, systematic health environment and other business related issues to be able to get the whole picture for my clients.

For more information: http://www.askdrannika.com

Friday 5 December 2014

7 tips starting NOW to get a de-stressed Christmas Season!

Holiday Season is coming up with all fun activities and gatherings with your favorite friends and family! Or – Holiday Season is coming up with stress and depression for the things you MUST do! Which scenario do you prefer?

The first one I guess!

It is time to start now to make the perfect Christmas and New Year Holidays. With a little bit of planning it is achievable. Miscommunication and unrealistic expectations are usually the causes of all this stress. That is why you need to start talking with your folks – now!

Here are 7 tips to help you make it happen:

1. Gather your closest family NOW and have an honest discussion about everybody’s expectations. Decide on all where / what / why / who you can agree on. Document your agreement. Make sure everyone gets their copy of the agreement.

2. Decide who will be responsible for what -Document.

3. Make a preliminary list of all meals just to make an overview of the “food issue”. This may seem like a premature thing to plan but having a large family I know it helps to plan ahead. If you are aware of it you might even buy certain items ahead when you accidentally come across them.

4. Decide on Christmas gifts. One or many? Price level? Discussing this ahead will set more realistic expectations.

5. Buy your gifts and maybe also some of your food online and save time! Here is a great tip I stumbled upon for you: Shop online and get cashback (in pure money) on all the things you buy anyway – click here to benefit from it CashBackToYou (buy yourself a nice treat for the money you save). This platform also works for online hotel bookings and some other services. Check it out!

6. Ask your guests to bring some food to the dinner table – instead of flowers or chocolate for the hostess. It is fun to share and exiting to try someone else’s cooking. If you have several guests – make it a potluck!

7. Make a preliminary to do list for the weeks ahead – use “backwards engineering”. Start from the date when everything needs to be done. Then spread the tasks over the time period you have to your disposal. That will make it clear and save time and energy.

Does this seem boring? Then make it fun! Are you afraid of what the others will say – because you have ALWAYS done all the work yourself? Is it too untraditional? Then get out of your comfort zone and try this new way of thinking and ask for this. Involving everyone will make you grow together. This is a time for everyone – including YOU – to have fun and be able to relax. Just do it together!

And don’t forget – good enough is good enough! Good luck with this important de-stress work.

Which of the tips is your favorite?  What tip do you always use to be less stressed in the Holiday Season? Please share your ideas so others can use them too – and I love to read your comments below.

To your success – and keep smiling!

About Author:

I am a medical doctor, specialized in family medicine and health promotion and strategies. I have been a medical doctor in the Public Health System in Sweden for 25 years. The last couple of years I have changed focus from disease to health and have specialized in health promotion, work assessment, systematic health environment and other business related issues to be able to get the whole picture for my clients.

For more information : http://www.askdrannika.com/

Wednesday 12 November 2014

5 Simple Tips For Less Stress When Travelling!

Home sweet home! That is what I say every time I get home from long-distance travelling. Not because I don’t like travelling and definitely not because I don’t like where I have been. No it is just because living out of a suitcase for too long is distressing and also travelling over many time zones stress your circadian cycles.

I have already been travelling long-distance to the west coast in US twice this fall and that is a time difference from Sweden at 9 hours. One more trip is planned. It doesn’t only split the time in my work but it does take some energy with the jetlag from such big time difference – both going there and also when coming back home.

As stress mentor I meet lots of business leaders and executives that say exactly the same thing. I usually ask them for their best tips on how to avoid to get all stressed out of all the travelling and I will list a few of their tips below.  
  1. Prepare the week before with regular sleep and good food habits to make your body and mind be and feel at its best when you start your trip.
  2. Be physically active before and during the trip. Use the gym of the hotels you stay at and/or take morning walks/runs to keep fit. That will help you keep your brain clear and also help from getting muscle pain from to much sitting still during travelling and conferencing.
  3. Pack carefully. This is an issue that many of my clients have an opinion on. Some frequent flyers even have a separate wardrobe for travelling – they wash the clothes when they get home and put if back directly in the suitcase (or rather hang it in “the travelling area” that they have) and also directly fill up whatever consumables they usually bring. That will make them “travel ready” in no time and they know they don’t forget anything even though it might have been leaving in a rush. 
  4. Set your watch at the local time of your destination as soon as you start your journey. Most people find that helpful because it sets your mind of what is coming – not at what has been.
  5. Be moderate with alcoholic beverages while travelling. Alcohol can be a great tranquilizer when feeling the stress during your journey. BUT it also works as a disturbance to your circadian systems. That is a delicate system involving many hormones that affect your wellbeing. If you disturb it with alcohol you will get more problems with jetlag and general wellbeing during your trip.
These are 5 proven tips from my clients. I can definitely relate to them myself.  Can you? Are you a frequent flyer? What tip do you always use to make your travelling less stressed? Please share your ideas  – I love to read your comments below.

See more at : www.askdrannika.com/